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Peoria Pro Tree Service located in IL

Peoria Pro Tree Service

4408 N Rockwood Rd Ste 114
PeoriaIL  61615

(309) 520-2378

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When you search for a tree company near you for tree trimming or tree cutting, you don’t want just any old arborist. You are looking for a tree company that is dependable, fairly priced, and capable. Peoria Pro Tree Service is head and shoulders above the rest.

When it comes to tree trimming, we take safety very seriously. Tree care workers have one of the most dangerous occupations and so we have to be always on alert! We do not want to injure ourselves and we want to keep you, your family, and belongings safe as too.
So when you look for a tree surgeon, or are wondering about tree removal cost, or just need stump grinding, reach out to Peoria Pro Tree Service! Customer Reviews for Peoria Pro Tree Service