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My Baldwin Park Electrician Hero located in CA

My Baldwin Park Electrician Hero

14135 Francisquito Ave 1016
Baldwin ParkCA  91706

(626) 465-7377

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Commercial and Residential
🔎 Electrical in Baldwin Park, CA 
Owning a home or business in Baldwin Park means that you need qualified experts to help with problems that crop up. When you need a licensed electrician in Baldwin Park, CA, you just need to call My Baldwin Park Electrician Hero. We are close by, in the Baldwin Park area, and that allows us to get to your home or business fast, on time, and ready to work. We also make sure that our electrical contractor is honest, friendly and completely knowledgeable about electrical panel installation, wiring, home rewiring, lighting installation and smoke detectors. That means that they can handle any commercial or residential electrical jobs and they can handle jobs big or small. We get there with all of the tools and equipment to handle any problem that you have. We get it done right and do it at a low price that your bank account will really appreciate. Call today! Customer Reviews for My Baldwin Park Electrician Hero