Kansas Plastic Surgery located in KS
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Kansas Plastic Surgery is a plastic and cosmetic surgery practice serving the Wichita, Kansas area. Created by Dr. Kenton Schoonover, KPS provides creative, compassionate care to every patient. With Dr. Schoonover’s expertise, we are able to amplify our patients appearance by restoring the changes that come naturally with life through a variety of services. Dr. Schoonover and our team specialize in cosmetic and reconstructive treatments for areas such as the face, breasts, and body.
Best Plastic Surgeon in Kansas, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Non Surgical Treatments, Facelift, Breast Augmentation, Breast Enhancement, BodyTite, Evolvex, Evoke, Cosmetic Surgery, Best Cosmetic surgeon near me, Armlift surgery, breast reconstruction, thigh lift, liposuction, minimally invasive surgery, FaceTite, Accutite, Non-Invasive Countouring Treatment, Brow Lift surgery near me, Best Blepharoplasty surgeon near me, Tummy Tuck, Thigh Lift, Brow Lift, Mommy Makeover, Breast Enhancement
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