Jason Kibbee located in IA
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Jason Kibbee is a sole-proprietor operation and an individual working in more than one facet of business, within more than one vertical. Jason Kibbee is a family-oriented man with a forward-looking focus on personal and professional development. Jason is the founder of a bespoke Non-profit organization called Project Smiles, a profound daily experiment in kindness and spreading cheer in a world which could use more of it. Personal, measurable results are the rewards compared to monetary gains, although we believe in a strong ripple effect leading to financial reward. Happier people tend to do and spread more good. Your own project can be launched by simply making someone you know smile today. Try it, it's contgious and highly rewarding on a personal and spiritual level. God Bless you and you never know when a Project Smiles ambasador has touched you in your life. #projectsmiles
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