Fountain City Dog Training located in KS
Fountain City Dog Training
14212 South Raintree Drive Kansas City MOOlathe, KS 66062
(816) 897-2110
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Brought to you by an extremely effective, 27 year old program, Fountain City Dog Training offers professional in-home training to all of Kansas City, including the Greater Kansas City area, Overland Park, Lenexa, Olathe and more! We specialize in training dogs of all ages and types, and we come from a group of trainers that are among the most experienced and successful in the country. Canine Trade Group dog trainer’s go through an extensive course to become certified in dog training and behavior.
Phone : 816-897-2110
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Address : 14212 South Raintree Drive, Kansas City, MO, 66062, USA
Phone : 816-897-2110
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Address : 14212 South Raintree Drive, Kansas City, MO, 66062, USA Customer Reviews for Fountain City Dog Training