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Ecolagro located in VA


EcolAgro Venture Pvt Ltd 412 A 4thFloor Sahara Shopping C
WinchesterVA  22601

(052) 243-0631

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EcolAgro Venture Pvt. Ltd. is a private limited company based in India. Ltd. is a firm dedicated to the development and propagation of unique goods for the long-term preservation of the environment by addressing its scavenging and decomposition demands using innovative microbial cultures produced by us. Food is a surviving element for a living organism. Humans or other living organisms require food for their survival. Food provides us nutrients, vitamins, proteins, vitamins, and many different types of nutrients. We get food from plants and animals. But not like other living organisms such as Animals and plants, humans can't eat food raw. Humans have to cook their food to make it edible.
Agriculture is the process of growing and cultivating crops. Whatever food we eat today comes from agricultural practices. Some agriculture products are wheat, rice, pulses, vegetables etc. In older times people use to cultivate the land for food and to feed their families.
But when a farmer starts selling his crops to another person or market then it takes a form of a business. India whose 60% population is dependent on agriculture and it’s their primary source of income. Agriculture itself is 10% part of the GDP.
All this lead to the origin of the Food Processing and Agriculture business. Customer Reviews for Ecolagro