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Columbia Cottage Of Hershey located in PA

Columbia Cottage of Hershey

103 North Larkspur Drive
PalmyraPA  17078

(717) 832-2900

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It is not just the beauty of this senior living community and its grounds that encourage residents to call Columbia Cottage of Hershey home. What really makes us a desirable place to live is its great location, top-notch amenities, and the many opportunities it provides residents to stay active and engaged–and then return home to a warm and welcoming environment.
At Columbia Cottage of Hershey, we provide a secure, home-like community where you can enjoy your retirement years. Residents enjoy a variety of social activities and most will find the Columbia Cottage of Hershey to be the ideal place to live. You will be able to pursue hobbies or interests while enjoying opportunities to share new experiences with others. The friendly, caring associates are committed to providing a high level of service and personal attention. Customer Reviews for Columbia Cottage of Hershey