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Brower It Solutions located in FL

Brower IT Solutions

1193 SE Port St Lucie Blvd 170
Port Saint LucieFL  34952

(772) 773-0588

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Brower IT Solutions staff has been working in the computer IT industry for over 20 years dating back to 1996, starting a small company building computers out of his home. In 2001 he was hired as a computer technician for a Department of Energy contracted company holding the following positions: Technician, Junior Systems Engineer, Systems Engineer, Lead Technical Security Advisor, Corporate Security Engineer and Lead Systems Engineer. With experience in commercial and government work, building, designing, implementing systems, servers to storage, networks, security, backup and disaster recovery, and even policies and procedures. Also held a Top Secret Classified Department of Energy government security clearance from 2005 to 2013 which was the full duration of that contract.
Brower IT Solutions was founded in North Carolina in 2013 specializing in small and medium sized businesses, however our skills and experience also applies to helping large enterprise companies as well. Brower IT Solutions was founded with the idea to fill a gap in the market where small and medium businesses either had no IT staff, or a small IT staff with limited experience and lacked the experience to design and implement the infrastructure in the best way.
Brower IT Solutions can implement any solution needed to fit your business goals and either turn it over to you to manage, or we also offer managed services in any of our areas to take the load and burden off of your existing staff. With focus on small to medium businesses, we understand the budget challenges that many smaller companies face and we can provide a secure and robust solution for any budget.
In 2017 Brower IT Solutions relocated its headquarters to Port St Lucie, FL, however we continue to maintain strong client relationships with all of our customers across the United States and Canada.
Managed IT Service, On Demand IT, Network Setup, Network Security, Database Management, Cloud storage for backup and disaster recovery, Software Support, Data Storage, VoIP Service, Server Support, Cyber Security, Network Storage, IT Solutions, IT Consult Customer Reviews for Brower IT Solutions