Body20 Personal Training Studio located in FL
Body20 Personal Training Studio
8081 Turkey Lake Rd 300Orlando, FL 32819
(407) 363-0020
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Body20 is a one-of-a-kind personal training studio located in Dr. Phillips, Orlando FL. Our unique workout programs give people with a busy lifestyle the chance to have a customized one-on-one personal training at an affordable price.
All workouts are conducted in a private room, equipped with state of the art machines, heart rate and calorie track monitor, room temperature control, and music of your choice.
All workouts are conducted in a private room, equipped with state of the art machines, heart rate and calorie track monitor, room temperature control, and music of your choice.
Gym, Fitness Training, Fitness, HIIT exercises, weight loss, cardiovascular efficiency, heart rate and calorie track monitor, room temperature control Customer Reviews for Body20 Personal Training Studio