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Ahemad Khan located in IA

Ahemad khan

2910 Stoner Ct 5
North LibertyIA  52317

(310) 600-4492

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You landed here, most likely, because you are focusing on your health and well-being. Whether that focus is building strength, losing weight, training for events, battling chronic disease or simply improving and maintaining your health; it all happens at CrossFit Philia.
We are committed to being a box (gym) for EVERYONE, no matter where you may be in your journey from illness to wellness to fitness! We utilize constantly varied functional movements at high intensity to build your work capacity, the metric of your fitness! Our coaches focus on teaching, monitoring and scaling proper movement technique within the context of volume, load and intensity to meet each individual’s unique work capacity and to keep you safe and progressing on your goals. Customer Reviews for Ahemad khan