A1 Fingerprinting Services located in NV
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A-1 Fingerprinting Services is a leading provider of live scan and ink fingerprinting services. We have cutting edge technology that gives fast, accurate, and direct submission to state and federal law enforcement. We are approved by the State of Nevada Department of Public Safety to offer fingerprinting services for State Criminal and FBI background checks. A1 Fingerprinting Services is also an Nevada approved Laboratory providing drug screenings and DNA testing. We also have a legal services division which refers to a civil and criminal attorney and provides notary services.
Our Services Include:
Livescan and Ink fingerprints
Drug screening
DNA testing for medical and non-medical purposes
Notary and comprehensive legal services
Ancillary services such as passport photos, ID photo cards, photocopies, and faxes.
Our Services Include:
Livescan and Ink fingerprints
Drug screening
DNA testing for medical and non-medical purposes
Notary and comprehensive legal services
Ancillary services such as passport photos, ID photo cards, photocopies, and faxes.
Notary and Legal Services, Mobile Services
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