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401kcpas located in TX


16775 Addison Rd Ste 500
AddisonTX  75001

(972) 734-8862

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For over 25 years, PriceKubecka PLLC has helped businesses across industries remain ERISA compliant by delivering quality 401(k) audits by the Form 5500 filing deadline. Today, we provide virtual 401(k) audits using an innovative proprietary auditing platform, Autire. To that end, PriceKubecka has revolutionized the entire auditing experience to make it easier and faster for plan sponsors to meet their obligations and avoid penalties. Our certified 401(k) CPAs have the unique ability to streamline the entire audit process using our custom-built remote auditing technology. The result is a better audit for half the traditional cost, all in less than three weeks with minimal disruption to your staff and operations.
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