Frequently Asked Questions for Contractors Joining our Service
Frequent Questions
What do I get with a free account
What kind of service do you provide for contractors
Where do you place classified listings?
How much do the leads cost?
Are there any recurring costs?
Free accounts are listed in our directory with a full page business profile created by you. Free accounts are included in our RSS feeds and shared with partner sites. Free accounts are limited to one category. Free accounts provide do follow link backs to your business website.
Our Service combines:
Online AdvertisingCustomer Lead GenerationPromotion of your company website We partner with other online classified sites directly and share our listings to create as much advertising as we can for our customers. Some of the sites that publish our listings include:
CraigslistOodleReachooYakazInetgiantClaz We do not charge per lead.
With a premium account, you only pay the monthly or annual membership fee.